

Opportunism is the practice of taking advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles or with what the consequences are for others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives.

říjen 2020 Vždycky jsem říkal, že Slovinci dokážou být oportunistický svině. Viz například chování k turistům tranzitujicim do Chorvatska. Dneska se to zas  ENCV – Oportunistický líder: odhaľuje príležitosti. Ľudia typu ENCV sú pri rozvíjaním, implementácii a hodnotení konkurenčných stratégií a možnosti odhodlaní a  22. dec.

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Opportunistic infections (OIs) are illnesses that occur more frequently and are more severe in people with HIV. This is because they have damaged immune systems. Today, OIs are less common in people with HIV because of effective HIV treatment. But some people with HIV still develop OIs because Opportunistic infections (OIs) are infections that occur more often or are more severe in people with weakened immune systems than in people with healthy immune systems. People with weakened immune systems include people living with HIV. OIs are caused by a variety of germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites). Opportunistic thieves strike four times Sat-navs, a suitcase and a laptop are among the items victims have reported as being stolen by opportunist thieves. Police alert after thefts from cars The Panel on Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV is accepting nominations for new scientific/clinical members with expertise in HIV medicine and opportunistic infections. Ideal candidates may include: Clinical investigators with expertise in the treatment and prevention of HIV-related opportunistic infections Opportunistic TLS (Transport Layer Security) refers to extensions in plain text communication protocols, which offer a way to upgrade a plain text connection to an encrypted (TLS or SSL) connection instead of using a separate port for encrypted communication.

Oportunistický zámek (Oplocks) je souborový uzamykací mechanismus Windows, který zprostředkovává řízení mezipaměti a přístupu pro zlepšení výkonu.

Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives. Oportunismus (z lat. opportunus, příznivý, popř. anglického opportunity, příležitost) je způsob jednání a rozhodování, které se neřídí vlastními zásadami, nýbrž se přizpůsobuje vnějším okolnostem, příležitostem a výhodám z toho kterého rozhodnutí.

Rychlý překlad slova oportunistický do češtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití. Slovensko-český slovník zdarma.


Viz například chování k turistům tranzitujicim do Chorvatska. Dneska se to zas  oportunistický. Different Forms. selfish, selfishly, selfishness, unselfish. Word Example from TV Shows. The best way to learn proper English is to read news  Oportunistický fotomonitoring ve vybraných lokalitách soustavy N2000, jehož cílem je věrohodně prokázat přítomnost velkých šelem a kočky divoké a případně   28. apr.


If … Protecting Yourself from Opportunistic Fraud. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has spurred much confusion and unprecedented economic challenges. It has also created ample opportunities for dishonest individuals and criminal organizations to prey on … Because opportunistic infections are a common cause of significant weight loss, effective care of the underlying HIV infection and prevention of opportunistic infections is the best way to prevent weight loss. Similarly, the key to minimizing or reversing weight loss related to opportunistic infections is to treat the infections effectively. Opportunistic is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Assassin. It grants bonus movement speed if you've killed recently and causes your critical strikes to be unable to get reflected. It also grants more damage if there is one or no rare or unique enemies nearby or damage reduction if there are at least two rare or unique enemies nearby.


In event 1, client X opens a file and as part of the open operation requests a level 1 opportunistic lock on the file. Another word for opportunistic. Find more ways to say opportunistic, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. opportunistic translate: 投機的;機會主義的. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. Opportunistic can only work thanks to those that get involved.

Primárním cílem screeningu je snížení mortality na dané onemocnění   31. červenec 2020 Oportunistický mýval RJ se postaví do čela zvířátek (veverka, vačice, ježek, skunk , mýval a želva), která se rozhodnou svět ZA PLOTEM  3. feb. 2009 Skríningové vyšetrenia hradia všetky zdravotné poisťovne. Súčasný oportunistický skríning je podľa riaditeľky kancelárie Svetovej zdravotníckej  20. květen 2020 Nejde o oportunistický přístup. Naopak, jde o velmi prozřetelnou a poučenou reakci, která vychází z dokonalé znalosti místního prostředí  13.


Gross of fees, expenses and transaction costs, if any. Opportunistic is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Assassin. It grants bonus movement speed if you've killed recently and causes your critical strikes to be unable to get reflected. It also grants more damage if there is one or no rare or unique enemies nearby or damage reduction if there are at least two rare or unique enemies nearby. ‘These disruptions have allowed opportunistic creatures to move in.’ ‘In addition, the extra carbon dioxide increases plant growth - particularly for opportunistic species that thrive in cities, such as ragweed.’ ‘The majority of species are opportunistic, preying upon anything they can overpower that comes within striking distance.’ op·por·tun·ist (ŏp′ər-to͞o′nĭst, -tyo͞o′-) n. One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences Opportunistic definition: If you describe someone's behaviour as opportunistic , you are critical of them because | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This family is recognised as opportunistic pathogen having ability to cause infections in humans ranging from mild or acute infections to fulminant infections in host.20 These species were normally found susceptible to amphotericin B and were resistant to triazoles and Echinocandins,21 which also supported our findings where isolated strains of Mucor spp., Rhizopus spp. The third international festival of light and media arts Kyiv Lights Festival (KLF) will take place in Kyiv on September 28-29, 2019.

The most important way to prevent opportunistic infections is to take your HIV medicines and keep your CD4 count from becoming low. If … Protecting Yourself from Opportunistic Fraud. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has spurred much confusion and unprecedented economic challenges. It has also created ample opportunities for dishonest individuals and criminal organizations to prey on … Because opportunistic infections are a common cause of significant weight loss, effective care of the underlying HIV infection and prevention of opportunistic infections is the best way to prevent weight loss. Similarly, the key to minimizing or reversing weight loss related to opportunistic infections is to treat the infections effectively. Opportunistic is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Assassin. It grants bonus movement speed if you've killed recently and causes your critical strikes to be unable to get reflected.

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Opportunistic infections (OIs) are illnesses that occur more frequently and are more severe in people with HIV. This is because they have damaged immune systems. Today, OIs are less common in people with HIV because of effective HIV treatment. But some people with HIV still develop OIs because

Význam slova „oportunistický“ v Slovníku slovenského jazyka.